Capital Mall Triangle Subarea Update
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive a briefing on the Preliminary Draft Capital Mall Triangle Subarea Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Whether to receive a briefing on the Preliminary Draft Capital Mall Triangle Subarea Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Staff Contact:
David Ginther, Senior Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8335
David Ginther, Senior Planner
Michelle Swanson, Senior Planner
Background and Analysis:
In 2014, the Olympia Comprehensive Plan was updated following significant public outreach and multiple public participation opportunities. The adopted plan contains a vision for the Capital Mall area to:
1. Eventually transition to a high-density mixed-use neighborhood where people can walk, bike, or take the bus to obtain goods, services, and entertainment.
2. Keep the subarea a regional draw for the retailers and other businesses.
The main purpose of the Capital Mall Triangle planning project is to determine how to facilitate the development envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan.
The planning project has two major components: a Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and a subarea plan. Both the Draft EIS and the preliminary draft subarea plan have been written based on community input collected over the past year and are now out for public review. In addition to general comments on both documents, the public is being asked to help select the preferred alternative for the EIS.
Alternatives are future development scenarios which the EIS evaluates for potential significant adverse environmental impacts. The first alternative is a "no action" alternative. This alternative assumes development would continue under current regulations and programs. A second alternative includes a range of moderate actions the city can take to help facilitate the envisioned deve...
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