Missing Middle Housing Ordinance Updates
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Discuss the Missing Middle Housing Ordinance and related changes in state law that will require additional changes to the Unified Development Code (Title 18) and the Subdivision Code (Title 17).
Whether to discuss the Missing Middle Housing Ordinance and related changes in state law that will require additional changes to the Unified Development Code (Title 18) and the Subdivision Code (Title 17).
Staff Contact:
Joyce Phillips, Principal Planner, Community Planning & Development, 360.570.3722
Joyce Phillips, Principal Planner
Background and Analysis:
In October 2023, the City of Olympia was awarded a grant for $75,000 from the Washington State Department of Commerce. The purpose of the grant is to fund work to support the adoption of policies and codes and the implementation of other measures specific to HB 1110, specifically related to middle housing issues.
A grant contract was formally signed by both parties in February of 2024. There are two primary work products associated with the grant. The first is to complete the process to "harmonize" the City's Missing Middle Housing Ordinance with the Olympia Municipal Code (described below).
The second is to address the new middle housing requirements adopted into state law with the passage of House Bill 1110. This includes provisions to allow more than one residential unit per lot in some instances and to allow "unit lot subdivisions", a type of subdivision for which our code is completely silent.
The work will also be done in a way that is consistent with and helps to implement other new statutes, such as those related to Accessory Dwelling Units and Design Review.
Phase 1 Work
On November 13, 2018, the Olympia City Council passed its "Missing Middle" infill housing ordinance, which was primarily designed to increase...
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