Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/7/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, Online and Via Phone
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Attachments: Meeting Packet 1/7/25 (410 pgs, 21 MB), Upcoming Agendas as of 01/03/25
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsMedia
25-0001 12.ArecognitionSpecial Recognition - Poetry Reading from City of Olympia Poet Laureate Kathleen Byrdreceived  Action details Not available
25-0015 14.AminutesApproval of December 17, 2024 City Council Meeting MinutesadoptedPass Action details Not available
24-1037 24.BordinanceApproval of an Ordinance Amending Title 3 of the Olympia Municipal Code Relating to Revenue and Financeadopted on second readingPass Action details Not available
24-1039 24.CordinanceApproval of an Ordinance Amending Title 4 of Olympia Municipal Code Relating to a Uniform Civil Method of Enforcing License and Tax Requirements for People Engaging in Business in the City Of Olympia as it Relates to Compliance, Fees and Finesadopted on second readingPass Action details Not available
24-1040 24.DordinanceApproval of an Ordinance Amending Title 5 of the Olympia Municipal Code Relating to Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulationsadopted on second readingPass Action details Not available
25-0008 16.AdecisionApproval of Appointment Process and Applicants to Interview for a Vacant City Council SeatapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0022 110.Aexecutive sessionExecutive Session Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b); RCW 42.30.110 (1)(c) - Real Estate Matter, RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g) - Personnel Matter (City Manager’s Performance Evaluation) and RCW 42.30.110 (1)(h) - Evaluate the Qualifications of a Candidate for Appointment to Elective Officeheld and no decisions were made  Action details Not available