Update on Armory Design Planning
Recommended Action
Information only
Review updated Schematic Design Sets for the Olympia Armory from CARVE Architecture - these designs reflect updated tenant and leasable spaces.
Staff Contact:
Valerie Roberts, Armory Building Manager, Parks Arts and Recreation Department, 360.753.8468.
Valerie Roberts
Background and Analysis:
Armory Project Background:
The City of Olympia will transform this Historic Building into a new Armory Creative Campus-a space that will support the arts as integral to Olympia’s way of life; encourage community growth through creativity and innovation; use the arts to connect people, ideas, and place while working within an equity framework.
The conceptual design through community visioning was completed in November 2022. In July 2023, artists, culture bearers, and a youth action council imagined possible uses of the space through art installations and creative projects through NEA funded Art Interventions.
In January of 2024, eight non-profit arts organizations were identified as future tenants (Anchor Partners for the building), including The Bridge Music Project, Capital City Pride, Community Print, Kokua Services/Hummingbird Studio, Olympia Film Collective, Olympia Lamplighters, PARC Foundation and TC Media. These organizations will create a core partner group to activate the campus and bring the vision to life.
Ameresco was selected as the primary contractor through the DES Energy Savings program for the Armory project in October of 2023. They are a leading cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner, and operator.
The current Investment Grade Audit being conducted includes energy audit services, engineering and environmental studies, and architectural and engineering services. The facilities which have been identified by City of Olympia are the Armory and Annex Building. The goal is to design the whole project through a design development level (~80% Design) so that the future improvements are ready to proceed with a reduced design effort as additional funding becomes available. Taking the design through to this level will provide sufficient design information to accurately budget the initial phase of construction and provide a clear design concept for future phases. This additional design effort will also empower the project team to achieve a thorough understanding and enable us to strategically plan the development and implementation process.
Climate Analysis:
Through working with the DES Energy Program and Ameresco, all building improvements for the Armory Creative Campus will be approached through an Energy Conservation Lens. Because building use will change and occupancy will increase, we will most likely see an increase in energy use but a longer term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the improvements to this building.
Equity Analysis:
The Olympia Community, Arts Nonprofits, Anchor Partners and more will benefit from this work as it is the first step to upgrading the Armory to be available for community use. Although this portion of the work does not have a high community engagement component, it is based on community engagement work done previously. Through the 2022 Concept Plan. Finally, this work will be done with Ameresco, whose commitment to DEI and hiring local subcontractors who are minority and women owned is high and demonstrable.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
No concerns reported
Financial Impact:
These design sets are part of an approved $820,000 project.
2024 - Schematic Design Sets from CARVE Architecture