Approval of the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Concept Design
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Pending decision at their April 11, 2024 meeting, project artist Abe Singer will present the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Concept Design for Council consideration.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Concept Design.
Whether to approve the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Concept Design by Abe Singer.
Staff Contact:
Stephanie Johnson, Arts Program & Planning Supervisor, Parks, Arts & Recreation, 360.709.2678
Stephanie Johnson, Arts Commission Staff Liaison
Abe Singer, Project Artist, Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art
Background and Analysis:
On October 3, 2023, the City Council approved the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Project as an addition to the Arts Commission Work Plan and the draft Call for Art. The City Council approved Abe Singer as the Grass Lake Nature Park Project Artist on January 23, 2024.
The Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Project centers around a large (10’ diameter x 23’ long) mild steel water tank (3/8" thick) on the park property to be repurposed for three sculptural elements to be sited in the park:
• One bird blind (approx. 6’ x 10’) along the boardwalk for viewing of the birds without being seen by them.
• Two entry elements sited at the entrances to the park along Harrison Avenue and Kaiser Road, welcoming visitors to the park and continuing the use of the steel tank material as a theme throughout the park. These entry elements can be more artistic and sized at the artist’s discretion.
At 195.71 acres, the park contains the headwaters of Green Cove Creek and one of the most environmentally intact wetland systems in northern Thurston County. Over 100 bird species and 200 plant species have been recorded in the park.
Grass Lake Nature Park's primary functions are wildlife protection, wildlife viewing, and environmental education. Artist reuse of the steel tank will have several benefits, such as redirecting salvage material for creative reuse and offering the opportunity for deeper connection to the recent history of the site. The project artist was required to participate in one community meeting/site visit with students from the neighborhood middle school to learn about the science of the site, and this concept plan presentation with the Olympia Arts Commission, prior to City Council consideration of the concept design.
On February 20, 2024, Mr. Singer met with City staff for review of the Grass Lake construction process and documents.
On February 28, 2024, Mr. Singer met with students from Marshall Middle School’s Citizen Science Program to learn about the nature of the park to help inform his design for sculpture.
The Arts Commission conducted a public hearing on April 11 to receive and collect feedback from the public regarding the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art Concept Design in order to provide feedback to the artist and this recommendation to City Council. If the concept design is approved by City Council, the artist will work on final design details for final approval from the Arts Commission at their May 9, 2024 meeting, and once approved will move into sculpture fabrication.
Climate Analysis:
Utilizing repurposed material from the site reduces need for virgin materials and the associated carbon used for processing and transportation.
Equity Analysis:
This project includes collaboration with Citizen Science Institute students at Thurgood Marshall Middle School.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
The Citizen Science Institute students consider themselves stewards of the park and are very involved with tree planting and other volunteer efforts.
Financial Impact:
Budget for the artwork is $32,000 from the Municipal Art Fund.
1. Approve the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art concept design as presented. The artist will work on final details to present to the Arts Commission for final approval on May 9, 2024.
2. Do not approve the design and provide feedback to the Arts Commission.
3. Do not approve the concept design.
Presentation - 12.03.23
Presentation - 01.23.24