Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Youth Athletic Facilities Grant Application to the Recreation and Conservation Office for LBA Park Baseball Fields Renovation Phase 2
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve the Resolution authorizing City Staff to apply for a Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) grant for LBA Park Baseball Fields Renovation Phase 2and authorizing the City Manager to receive the grant funds should the grant be successful.
Whether to approve the Resolution authorizing City Staff to apply for a Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) grant for LBA Park Baseball Fields Renovation Phase 2and authorizing the City Manager to receive the grant funds should the grant be successful.
Staff Contact:
Tammy LeDoux, Finance & Policy Coordinator, Parks Arts and Recreation, 360.753.8053
Laura Keehan, Parks Planning & Design Manager, Parks, Arts and Recreation, 360.570.5855
None - Consent Calendar Item
Background and Analysis:
The Parks, Arts and Recreation Department is preparing a Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) grant application for the current funding cycle. The application is due May 1, 2024, and is required to include formal City Council authorization.
The Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF) program provides grants to buy land and develop or renovate outdoor athletic facilities such as ball fields, courts, swimming pools, mountain bike tracks, and skate parks that serve youth through the age of 18. If successful, the grant would reimburse the City up to $1,500,000 towards Phase 2 renovation of the LBA Park baseball fields. Phase 2 improvements will include new backstops and dugouts, improved drainage, new irrigation, and accessibility upgrades at Fields 1, 3 and 4.
In 2022, the City received a $350,000 YAF grant for the renovation of Field 2.
Climate Analysis:
This project provides the renovation of existing park facilities. The proposed development neither supports nor prevents any of the four elements outlined in the City’s climate framework and the Thurston County Climate Mitigation Plan.
Equity Analysis:
Accessibility meeting current ADA standards to the renovated Fields 1, 3 and 4 and common areas adjacent to the ballfield will be provided as part of the project development.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
The ballfields at LBA Park receive intense use between March and October each year. User groups include youth baseball and fastpitch leagues, regional adult softball tournaments, County recreation leagues, soccer clubs, ultimate frisbee recreation league, and the Special Olympics. The fields and dugouts are currently inaccessible for those with disability and fail to meet basic ADA standards for public sports facilities.
Financial Impact:
The grant reimburses up to $1,500,000. The grant match will be Metropolitan Park District Funds budgeted within the Parks Capital Asset and Management Program (CAMP).
1. Approve the resolution authorizing a grant application to the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for LBA Park.
2. Do not approve the resolution. Staff would be unable to pursue the grant opportunity.
3. Take other action.
RCO Resolution