Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter Review - Second Draft
Recommended Action
Information only. No action requested.
Discussion on the second draft of the transportation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Contact:
Michelle Swanson, AICP, Senior Planner, Public Works Transportation, 360.753.8575
Michelle Swanson
Background and Analysis:
In May and July, the BPAC offered feedback on the first draft of the transportation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, City staff heard from:
• Members of the public via email and a survey on Engage Olympia
• The Planning Commission
• The Social Justice and Equity Commission
We have redrafted the chapter to reflect the feedback and published it on Engage Olympia. There is also a survey available for people to comment on the second draft that is open through September 27th.
How to prepare
Attached are several documents to review before the meeting:
• A summary of the feedback on the first draft
• A list of significant changes between the drafts
• Two versions of the draft chapter: one that shows tracked changes and one that does not. Please review whichever version you prefer.
Please come prepared to share your thoughts and questions. This may be the final time the BPAC reviews the transportation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. You may choose to write a letter to the City Council commenting on the plan, but it is not required.
Next steps
The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on this chapter on October 7th with deliberations to follow on October 21st. After that, the City Council will consider the chapter for acceptance. Before the end of 2025, the City Council will adopt the full updated Comprehensive Plan that includes all of the updated chapters.
Additionally, the Thurston Regional Planning Council will review the transportation chapter to ensure it is consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan.
1. Share feedback with staff during the meeting
2. Share feedback with staff during the meeting and write a comment letter to the City Council about this chapter
Financial Impact:
None from this item
Outreach summary
List of significant changes between drafts
Transportation chapter - clean
Transportation chapter - tracked changes