Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Grant Agreement Between the City of Olympia and the Family Support Center of South Sound for Completion of a Homeless Shelter
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
At their March 10, 2021 meeting, the Home Fund Advisory Board expressed support of an appropriation of $50,000 from Home Fund reserves to fund a gap for a 10-bed family shelter beds under construction at Family Support Center’s campus.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve a Resolution authorizing a grant agreement between the City of Olympia and the Family Support Center of South Sound for completion of a 10-bed homeless shelter at 3525 7th Avenue SW.
Whether to approve a approve a Resolution authorizing a grant agreement between the City of Olympia and the Family Support Center of South Sound for completion of a 10-bed homeless shelter at 3525 7th Avenue SW.
Staff Contact:
Cary Retlin, Home Fund Manager, Executive, 360.570.3956
None. Consent item.
Background and Analysis:
The Resolution authorizes a grant agreement for funding to the Family Support Center to complete construction of 10 new shelter beds and support facilities for families experiencing homelessness. The new shelter beds will be at the Family Support Center’s headquarter campus in order for families to have access to case management, legal, and other services nearby.
The construction was initially funded through a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Housing Trust Fund. However, cost overruns related to prevailing wage changes and increases in materials costs required additional money to complete construction. This grant agreement will only fund reimbursement of construction related costs. The City of Tumwater, the City of Lacey, and Thurston County are also contributing.
Breakdown of Funding for the Project
Initial Funding
$100,000 Department of Commerce Housing Trust Fund Grant
Additional funding
$50,000 City of Olympia - Home Fund
$50,000 City of Lacey
$25,000 City of Tumwater
$25,000 Thurston County - Emergency Shelter Grant
The Family Support Center is a nonprofit multi-service agency founded in 1992 that is dedicated to supporting families and pregnant women. They provide homeless family services, parent and child education and operate Pear Blossom Place, a 24-hour shelter for homeless families. Pear Blossom Place is the largest of its kind in the region with 36 beds and seven apartments.
The Family Support Center is also the lead contractor for Thurston County’s Coordinated Entry System, which assesses and supports placement of people experiencing homelessness and helps connect them to housing.
Community Interests:
Responding to the region’s homeless crisis is an issue that affects the entire community.
1. Approve the Resolution authorizing a grant agreement between the City of Olympia and the Family Support Center of South Sound for completion of a 10-bed homeless shelter at 3525 7th Avenue SW.
2. Direct staff to take other action related to the Resolution and Grant Agreement.
3. Do not approve the Resolution and Grant Agreement.
Financial Impact:
The proposed Grant Agreement will provide $50,000 from the Home Fund to pay construction related costs for completion of a 10-bed homeless shelter for families.