Update on OPARD’s Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Program
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Committee Recommendation:
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City Manager Recommendation:
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Discussion on Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation’s Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Program
Staff Contact:
Olivia Salazar de Breaux, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Specialist, Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation Department / OPARD Support Services, 360.753.8343
Olivia Salazar de Breaux, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Specialist
Rachael Meares, Cultural Event Program Specialist
Background and Analysis:
In January 2022, Olympia Parks, Arts, and Recreation (OPARD) created an Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (EIB) Specialist position to administer and coordinate a series of City-sponsored cultural events and to facilitate the EIB initiatives already underway in the department. A new Cultural Events program was developed with the goal of celebrating and enriching our community with authentic events that honor culture, heritage, and diversity through cultivation of trusting relationships with partner organizations and community members.
Staff will provide an update on the Equity, Inclusion and Belonging program.
Comprehensive Plan or Parks, Arts & Recreation Plan Connection:
Comprehensive Plan Goals
• GR1: Unique facilities, public art, events, and recreational programming encourage social interaction, foster community building, and enhance the visual character and livability of Olympia.
• GR 2: The City leverages its investments in parks, arts and recreation programs and facilities.
• GR 8: Arts in Olympia are supported.
• GR 9: Olympians enjoy lifelong happiness and wellness.
• GR 10: Families recreate together.
Climate Analysis:
No impacts to any of the climate mitigation sectors. The department is in process of drafting a Climate Action Plan, which includes goals for sustainable cultural event planning processes.
Equity Analysis:
OPARD’s Equity, Inclusion and Belonging program implements City Cultural Events, which raise awareness about heritage, history, accomplishments, contributions and experiences of multicultural and underrepresented communities in Olympia and across the nation. This program benefits Olympia residents as well as those in neighboring communities (Lacey, Tumwater, Thurston County) by increasing a sense of belonging and inclusion. More work can be done to grow resources and establish additional community partnerships so that more communities can be represented and enjoy equitable access to event participation.
We are in the process of collecting data about the demographic makeup of our workforce, our programming and facility users. That will inform our department’s Equity, Inclusion and Belonging work plan.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
Financial Impact:
As part of the Olympia Metropolitan Parks District and City of Olympia Interlocal Agreement, 11% of the City’s General Fund Budget is allocated for the Parks, Arts and Recreation Department. The OPARD Equity, Inclusion and Belonging program, including Cultural Events, is supported by that fund.
The annual budget for the Parks, Arts and Recreation Department’s Equity, Inclusion and Belonging program is $315,330. This includes two FTE’s and $64,000 to support our Cultural Events program and partnerships.
No additional impacts are proposed.