Agenda Item:
Amendment to 2012 Operating Budget Ordinance
Amend the Operating Budget
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager's Recommendation:
Move to approve amending ordinance on first reading and forward to second reading.
Staff Contact:
Dean Walz, Fiscal Services Director, Administrative Services Department, 360.753.8465
None. Consent Calendar item.
Background and Analysis:
To change the budget the Council must approve a new ordinance amending the budget. Due to the administrative difficulty of possibly having several items going to the Council at or near the same time, budgetary amendments are generally made quarterly. On occasion a budget change needs to be made between the quarterly updates. In those cases an ordinance may come to the council as an ordinance relating to the budget, but not actually amending a previous ordinance. The ordinances relating to the budget will be included in the next quarterly update. The attached ordinance reflects ordinances which may have been adopted relating to the budget since the last quarterly update, and other proposed changes to the operating budget.
There are no ordinances passed since the last budget update relating to the operating budget.
Budget Items not previously presented to the Council:
1) Appropriation of $26,500 to the Storm Water Utility Fund for debris expenses related to the 2012 winter storm. The increase is funded by reimbursements from FEMA and the State of Washington for costs related to the storm.
2) Appropriation of $249,050 to the Parking Special Account within the Special Accounts Fund, for repayment of a loan for purchase of parking pay stations. This will be the final payment on the loan ($241,668 principal and 7,382 interest). Funding is from parking revenue previously collected.
3) Appropriation of $1,800 to the Recreation Scholarship Account within the Special Accounts Fund. The funding is from donations to the program.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
1) Approve amending ordinance on first reading and forward to second reading. This will officially amend the budget for ordinances which may have been passed by the council relating to the budget, and authorized other budget items which have not yet been presented to the Council.
2) Do not approve the amending ordinances. If not approved then the budget may not be consistent with other actions previously taken by the council. Additionally, the budget items not previously presented to the Council would not be done.
Financial Impact:
Total increase in appropriations is $277,350 none of which have previously been before the Council. The sources of funding for these appropriations are noted above.