RCO Grant Applications - Letters of Support
Recommended Action
Move to authorize the Chair to prepare letters of support for the 2024 park grant applications.
The Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation Department (OPARD) is requesting letters of support from PRAC for two grant applications.
Staff Contact:
Laura Keehan, Parks Planning & Design Manager, 360.570.5855
Laura Keehan, Parks Planning & Design Manager, 360.570.5855
Background and Analysis:
Every two years the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) opens a variety of grant programs that fund construction of park and recreation facilities in Washington State. These are competitive grant programs and OPARD has been fortunate to be awarded over nine million dollars since 2016.
In 2024, Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation is applying for the following federal and state grants:
• Yelm Highway Community Park Phase 1 (development) - Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), $2,000,000
• LBA Park Baseball Fields #1, #3 and #4 Renovation Phase 2 - RCO Youth Athletic Fields (YAF), $1,500,000
Comprehensive Plan or Parks, Arts & Recreation Plan Connection:
Parks, Arts & Recreation Plan: GR2 The City leverages its investments in parks, arts and recreation programs and facilities. PR2.1 Seek non-profit organization and community partnerships, sponsorships, grants, and private donations for park and facility acquisition, development, operation, programming, and events.
Climate Analysis:
Departmental performance metrics related to both parks and art pieces being located within a ½ mile of residents encourages fewer vehicle miles for people to access recreation and art amenities in Olympia.
Equity Analysis:
The GIS Equity Analysis performed during the 2022 Parks, Arts & Recreation Plan planning process scored Olympia’s undeveloped parks based on four equity criteria. The Yelm Highway Community Park received the third highest score and has been a priority for development for the community.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
The Olympia community has long supported acquisition and development of parks, specifically through two voted measures. By leveraging state and federal grant dollars, OPARD has been able to continue to meet the community’s high expectations for park acquisition and development.
1) Direct the Chair to write letters of support for the two grant applications.
2) Direct the Chair to write letters of support for the two grant applications pursuant to specific PRAC input.
3) Do not direct the Chair to write letters of support for the two grant applications.
Financial Impact:
Voted Utility Tax, Olympia Metropolitan Park District, Impact Fees and SEPA Mitigation Fees are available as match for the proposed grant applications. Bond proceeds will also be needed for the Yelm Highway Community Park project.