Fire Captain Testing Process and Job Description Updates
Recommended Action
Staff Recommendation:
Move to approve the Fire Captain testing process and updates to the Fire Captain job description.
Staff Contact:
Matt Morris, Fire Chief, Olympia Fire Department, 360.753.8300
Nicole Camus, Deputy HR Director, Human Resources 360.753.8213
The fire department is requesting to revise the testing process for our Fire Captain promotional process to align with job requirements, as well as expand the candidate pool. The fire department is also requesting changes to the Fire Captain job description (changes have already been approved by Local 468). These changes will improve our ability to attract quality candidates.
Testing Process:
Consistent with our last promotional test in the Training Division,
The test will be as follows:
1. Written Exercise (30% weight)
2. Presentation and Interview panel (70% weight)
Updates to the job description are attached in tracked changes.
Typical Qualifications:
Special Requirements: (page 5 mid-page)
1. Continued Certification as a Washington State Emergency Medical Technician-D is required.
2. The Captain must possess a level of physical fitness that allows participation as a firefighter on a fire scene.
3. The Captain may, under Fire Department ICS (Incident Command System) protocols be required to provide officer level direction, control and supervision at fire and emergency scenes and, consequently must maintain the knowledge, skills and abilities required to successfully carry out this responsibility.
Within the first year of promotion to Fire Captain Training, the Captain must obtain the following certifications:
1. ICS 300
2. Blue Card Command
3. Instructor I & II (IFSAC or equivalent)
4. Fire Officer I & II (IFSAC or equivalent)
5. Live Fire Instructor Credential - Fixed Facility
The proposed promotional process allows for the efficient and fair processing of Fire Captain candidates consistent with civil service rules.
The proposed updates to the job description reflects best practice in the fire training industry.
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends implementing the process outlined above to updated the job requirements and establish a Fire Captain register.
Policy Reference:
Civil Service Rules, Rule IV, Examinations
Civil Service Rules, Rule V, Registers