File #: 24-0072    Version: 1
Type: resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/12/2024 In control: City Council
Agenda date: 1/23/2024 Final action: 1/23/2024
Title: Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Grant Agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for Stormwater Permit Compliance
Attachments: 1. 1-23-24 signed resolution M-2495, 2. Resolution, 3. Agreement


Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Grant Agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for Stormwater Permit Compliance


Recommended Action

Committee Recommendation:

Not referred to a committee.


City Manager Recommendation:

Move to approve a Resolution authorizing a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for stormwater permit compliance.




Whether to a Resolution authorizing a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for stormwater permit compliance.


Staff Contact:

Sue Barclift, Senior Stormwater Program Specialist, Public Works-Water Resources, 360.507.6112



None - Consent Calendar Item.


Background and Analysis:

The Department of Ecology administers federal Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal stormwater permits in Washington State. The intent of the permit is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters. NPDES permits require municipalities to manage stormwater runoff before it discharges to surface and groundwater.


The Capacity Grant is a non-competitive biannual grant awarded to all Phase I and Phase II (NPDES) municipal permittees for activities and equipment necessary for permit implementation. The City of Olympia is a Phase II NPDES permittee.


Olympia is currently in compliance with its NPDES Permit. However, with each permit cycle revision, stormwater requirements increase, resulting in the need to expand current programs and add new programs. Past Capacity Grant financial assistance has helped the City continuously remain in compliance with the Permit.


Ecology set funding for the 2023-2025 Capacity Grant at $130,000. The Storm and Surface Water Utility will use the grant consistent with the following eligible project expenses:


                     Public education and outreach activities

                     Illicit discharge detection and elimination program activities

                     Runoff control program activities

                     Operation and maintenance pollution prevention program activities

                     Equipment purchases needed to implement permit requirements


Climate Analysis:

The 2023-2025 Capacity Grant aids municipalities in meeting NPDES Permit requirements. This grant will allow the City to meet and exceed requirements. Expanding current Storm and Surface Water Utility programs and implementing additional programs has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through planting native vegetation and trees, and protecting and enhancing habitat.


Equity Analysis:

The 2023-2025 Capacity Grant benefits all Storm and Surface Water Utility rate payers by allowing the Utility to meet NPDES permit requirements and leverage its limited resources to expand and enhance current and new water quality stormwater programs.


Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):

Community members benefit from this grant through NPDES compliance that addresses erosion control, safeguards recreational water uses, and protects aquatic habitat and drinking water by minimizing the amount of contaminants that enter surface waters.


Financial Impact:

The grant will provide $130,000 to the Storm and Surface Water Utility over a period of two years for NPDES permit compliance.



1.                     Approve a Resolution authorizing a grant for stormwater permit compliance. This will provide financial support to the Storm and Surface Water Utility to remain in compliance with the City’s NPDES permit and expand and enhance current as well as create new water quality stormwater programs.

2.                     Do not approve a Resolution authorizing a grant for stormwater permit compliance. The Storm and Surface Water Utility will not receive the 2023-2025 Water Quality Stormwater Capacity grant. Instead, an alternative source of funding may be needed to fund necessary programs required by the City’s NPDES permit to off-set the loss of the grant.

3.                     Take other action.



