Approval of Downtown Alley Lighting and Access License Agreements
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve license agreements with Fourth Avenue Group, Pauline Snyder, Nancy Snyder, Gary Schneider, 425 State Street LLC, Martin Building LP, Harris Drygoods Building LP, Barbara Baker, Phoenix One LLC, Daurehoj Commercial LLC, Walter & Theresa Kluh, and Weldon D. Neuschwanger Trust necessary to complete the Downtown Alley Lighting Project, and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary closing and license documents.
Whether the Council should approve the license agreements with ten parcels owners for Downtown Alley lighting
Staff Contact:
Ladd F. Cluff, PLS, City Surveyor, Public Works Engineering, 360.753.8389
None - Consent Calendar Item
Background and Analysis:
The City of Olympia entered into a contract with the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) in 2014 to fund Downtown Safety Improvement Projects. The agreement provides federal funds from the Section 108 loan guarantee program. One of the safety improvement projects is to install lighting in the City’s downtown core. The alleys were identified as heavily used alleys that experience relatively high amounts of criminal activity.
In November of 2014, the Community Planning and Development Department entered into an agreement with the Public Works Department to complete the project.
The license agreement authorizes the City to access and use the area necessary for connecting exterior lighting fixtures to the buildings and their electrical system. The City will retain ownership of the exterior lighting fixtures. The building owner will be responsible for the electrical consumption payments to Puget Sound Energy.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
The project intent is to increase safety by adding lighting to alleyways in the downtown core that are experiencing relatively high levels of criminal activity. As a result, pedestrians will be more likely to use alleys as a means of getting around downtown.
The Downtown Safety Improvement Projects are supported by the Olympia Downtown Association and are of interest community-wide.
1. Approve the license agreements with Fourth Avenue Group, Pauline Snyder, Nancy Snyder, Gary Schneider, 425 State Street LLC, Martin Building LP, Harris Drygoods Building LP, Barbara Baker, Phoenix One LLC, Daurehoj Commercial LLC, Walter & Theresa Kluh, and Weldon D. Neuschwanger Trust necessary to complete the Downtown Alley Lighting Project, and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary closing and license documents.
a. Will allow the project to move forward as planned.
b. Will improve downtown safety and security.
c. Will increase pedestrian options downtown.
2. Do not approve the license agreements.
a. Would stop the project.
b. Could affect the downtown building owner’s ability to secure and protect their properties and the general public.
Financial Impact:
The property owners have agreed to mutual benefit and will not receive compensation.
Section 108 loan funds will be used to complete the alley lighting project downtown.
License Agreements
Vicinity Map