Approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Olympia, City of Lacey, City of Tumwater and Thurston County for a Regional Environmental Education Program
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve the resolution authorizing an Interlocal agreement between the City of Olympia, City of Lacey, City of Tumwater and Thurston County for a Regional Environmental Education Program Program.
Whether t to approve the resolution authorizing an Interlocal agreement between the City of Olympia, City of Lacey, City of Tumwater and Thurston County for a Regional Environmental Education Program.
Staff Contact:
Susan McCleary, Associate Planner, Public Works Water Resources, 360.750.3794.
None - Consent Calendar Item
Background and Analysis:
The ILA upholds the City's pledge to provide quality education and outreach services to residents around Olympia and the Thurston County region.
In 1989, the Olympia City Council directed Storm and Surface Water Utility staff to create a program to engage volunteers & educate the community on environmental topics. In 1990, staff launched Stream Team with the mission to protect, restore and enhance water resources and associated habitats through community engagement and action. Thurston County and the Cities of Lacey and Tumwater have since joined Stream Team.
In 2007, the Department of Ecology issued the four jurisdictions municipal National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permits. These permits require jurisdictions to provide educational programs and encourage coordination within shared geographic areas and watersheds.
Climate Analysis:
The Partnership strives to reduce climate impacts. The quarterly Steam Team Newsletter switched to 100% recycled paper in 2024, promoting electronic readership as an alternative to print. Local purchasing and contracting is...
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