Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Department of Enterprise Services/Consolidated Mail Services to Provide for the City's General Mailing Services
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a Committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Department of Enterprise Services/Consolidated Mail Services.
The City's Interlocal Agreement with Consolidated Mail Services (CMS) to provide handling of the City's general mailing services expires June 30, 2015. This agreement will renew services with CMS for the next two years.
Staff Contact:
Karen Kenneson, Business Manager, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8277
Background and Analysis:
The only changes to the Interlocal Agreement, are a slight increase in some U.S. postage rates, however the increase is expected to have a minimal impact on budget. Postage rates are reflected in the attached contract, Attachment 1.
The City saves approximately $7,000 per year in discounted postage rates by co-mingling its outgoing U.S. mail with other entities' mail by contracting with CMS for mail services.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
1. Approve the Interlocal Agreement with Department of Enterprise Services/Consolidated Mail Services and authorize the Mayor to sign.
2. Do not approve the Interlocal Agreement with Department of Enterprise Services/Consolidated Mail Services and pull for further questions and discussion.
Financial Impact:
The City will continue to save approximately $7,000 per year on postage if this Interlocal Agreement is approved by the Council.