Heritage Commission Annual Retreat
Recommended Action
Information only. No action requested.
Discussion on the Heritage Commission’s scope of work.
Staff Contact:
Brittany Gillia, Historic Preservation Officer, Community Planning & Development, 360.753.8427
Background and Analysis:
Discuss current roles, responsibilities and goals within the Commission. Begin looking into 2025 and drafting next year’s workplan.
Climate Analysis:
The Heritage Commission’s primary responsibilities are to list historic resources in the Olympia Heritage Register, conduct design review on city permits as necessary, and approve Special Property Tax Valuation applications. These all open up opportunities that encourage property owners to conduct improvements to a historic property in a manner that follows NPS guidelines. Following the NPS guidelines encourages repair of historic material as much as possible, which reduces the introduction of more waste to landfills. If repair is not feasible, use of historic, often natural, locally sourced materials, is then encouraged, which reduces environmental impacts of the work.
Equity Analysis:
The Olympia Heritage Commission is dedicated to improving the education and outreach the Heritage Register and Special Valuation opportunities to underrepresented communities. Every project is an opportunity for education and outreach.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
1. Discuss the Heritage Commission’s scope of work.
2. Do not discuss the Heritage Commission’s scope of work.
Financial Impact: