Advisory Committee Interviews
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Interview applicants and finalize appointment recommendations for vacant Advisory Board and Commission positions.
Whether to interview candidates to recommend for appointment to Advisory Committees, Boards & Commissions.
Staff Contact:
Kellie Purce Braseth, Strategic Communications Director, City Manager's Office, 360.753.8361
None, interviews being conducted.
Background and Analysis:
On March 10, 2025, the Community Livability and Public Safety Committee (CLPS) will interview applicants for the vacant seats on the Arts Commission, the Cultural Access Advisory Board, the Heritage Commission, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee.
The draft Interview schedule is attached. Applicants have been notified. The interviews will be held remotely via Zoom. The Chairs of the respective boards and commissions have been invited to join the CLPS Committee for the interviews. Staff will provide at the interview meeting an updated list of open positions and names of applicants not able to participate in interviews.
Climate Analysis:
No climate impacts were evident.
Equity Analysis:
The board and commission recruitment process is an opportunity to reduce disparities in participation among marginalized communities in City of Olympia process and decisions.
Neighborhood/Community Interest (if known):
Residents serve on Advisory Committees to share their opinions and perspectives, study issues, and develop recommendations in a focused small group in order to provide judicious advice from a community member's perspective to the Olympia City Council.
Financial Impact:
To help defray costs (transportation, childcare, etc.) and lower barriers to participation, members of Council-appointed boards and commissions are eligible for a stipend of $25 per meeting attended. Those who can certify they are...
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