Capital Mall Triangle Subarea Planned Action Ordinance Public Hearing
Recommended Action
Move to approve and forward to Council.
Whether to recommend approval of the Capital Mall Triangle Subarea Planned Action Ordinance to Council.
Staff Contact:
David Ginther, Senior Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8335
David Ginther, Senior Planner
Background and Analysis:
In July of 2024, the Capital Mall Triangle Subarea Plan was adopted following significant public outreach and public participation opportunities. The adopted plan contains a vision for the Capital Mall area to:
1. Eventually transition to a high-density mixed-use neighborhood where people can walk, bike, or take the bus to obtain goods, services, and entertainment.
2. Keep the subarea a regional draw for the retailers and other businesses.
The subarea plan, and the environmental impact statement completed for the project, contain recommendations for changes to development regulations to encourage the envisioned type of development. The recommended changes included in the planned action ordinance include establishing an Affordable Housing Height Bonus Overlay in the core of the subarea, increasing building heights in the High Density Corridor zones within the subarea, moving building stepbacks higher in some instances, and making parking requirements more flexible for retail, restaurants, offices, shopping centers, and daycares. The ordinance also includes transportation mitigation identified in the environmental impact statement.
The environmental impact statement provided up-front environmental review for future development which allows proposed development consistent with the subarea plan to move forward without an additional project-level environmental review process. The ordinance establishes a limit , called a trip cap, on the cumulative number of vehicle trips generated by new development. Development that occurs prior to the trip cap ...
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