File #: 25-0077    Version: 1
Type: information Status: Filed
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Planning Commission
Agenda date: 1/27/2025 Final action: 1/27/2025
Title: Amendments to the Olympia Municipal Code 18.05 Related to Master Planned Villages
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1. Draft Amendments (Includes City Commentary), 2. Attachment 2. OMC 18.05 Staff analysis, 3. Attachment 3. Applicant Market Study for Briggs Village
Amendments to the Olympia Municipal Code 18.05 Related to Master Planned Villages

Recommended Action
Information only. No action requested.

Discussion of potential amendments to the Olympia Municipal Code (OMC) title 18.05 specifically to "urban village" standards. These amendments would result in increased multifamily housing allowances in urban villages; removal of required commercial square footage per residential unit in village; setting a new range of minimum and maximum commercial square footage; increase in allowed number of stories for commercial structures from three to four stories; and removing the requirement of a daycare.

Staff Contact:
Jackson Ewing, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.570.3776

Jackson Ewing, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development
Nicole Floyd, Principal Planner, Community Planning and Development

Background and Analysis:
The City established specific zones and zoning code requirements for the development of "villages" within the City in 1995. Villages are intended to be mixed use districts that include both commercial and residential development. There are four categories of village types within the City ranging from smallest (least dense and least amount of commercial use) to largest (most dense and most commercial use). The categories from small to large are Neighborhood Center, Neighborhood Village, Urban Village, and Community Oriented Shopping Center. The proposed amendments are intended to affect the Urban Village zone only. There is only one Urban Village zone within the City, which is more commonly known as the Brigg's Village.

The Briggs Village Master Plan was adopted in 2003. The Master Plan establishes the specific layout, design, and aesthetic for the village but the zoning code (OMC 18.05) establishes the development standards. Since the adoption of the Master Plan, significant development has occurred including almost all of the 800+ ...

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