Review of Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive the information. Briefing only; No action requested.
Whether to discuss the preliminary docket for Comprehensive Plan Amendments to be considered in 2017
Staff Contact:
Joyce Phillips, Senior Planner, Community Planning & Development, 360.570.3722
Joyce Phillips, Senior Planner, Community Planning & Development
Background and Analysis:
Each year the City considers amendments to its comprehensive plan proposed by public or private entities or individuals. Preliminary applications are "screened" by City Council to determine which proposals will move forward for review; those that advance past screening become the "final docket" for the year.
Chapter 18.59 of the Municipal Code, Olympia Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process, provides the criteria used to evaluate each proposal at both the preliminary and final stages, including for those proposals that require a concurrent rezone request. A copy of Chapter 18.59 is attached to the staff report. Section 18.59.020 provides the preliminary review and evaluation criteria for this stage of review.
This year five applications were submitted for preliminary review:
1) City of Olympia - Proposal to redesignate and rezone approximately 72 acres of land known as Bentridge Neighborhood Village. The City has an option to purchase this property.
2) City of Olympia - Proposed amendments to the Transportation 2030 and Bicycle Network Maps in the Comprehensive Plan.
3) South Capitol Neighborhood Association - Proposal to amend the Transportation 2030 map by removing the Major Collector designation on Maple Park Drive.
4) Kenneth Sean Bannan - Proposal to redesignate and rezone a parcel of land adjacent to the Briggs Urban Village.
5) Tsuki Corner - Proposal to redesignate and rezone four recently annexed parcels of land at t...
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