2025-2026 Social Justice & Equity Commission Work Plan Discussion
Recommended Action
Information only. No action requested.
Report Issue:
Discussion of the 2025-2026 Social Justice & Equity Commission Work Plan and possible strategies for accomplishing the work items listed in the work plan.
Staff Contact:
Margo Morales, Community Engagement Program Specialist, City Manager's Office, 360.753.8150
Margo Morales, Community Engagement Program Specialist
Background and Analysis:
City Commissions, Committees and Boards submit works plans annually to the City Council's Community Livability & Public Safety (CLPS) Committee for consideration and a recommendation, followed by consideration and approval by the City Council. Once approved, the new work plan will guide the Commission's work from April 2025-April 2026.
Last month, the Commissioners approved a draft work plan that has been forwarded to CLPS for consideration. The purpose of this agenda item is for Commissioners to discuss ways the Commission can effectively carry out the drafted work plan, including possible different or varied meeting schedules and using a subcommittee model.
Climate Analysis:
No known climate impacts.
Equity Analysis:
The purpose of the Social Justice & Equity Commission is to advise the City Council and staff in addressing discrimination and assist with the sharing of community member resources. Members also serve to enable those from historically marginalized communities to have a voice in City government.
Within the last year, the Commission has been challenged with maintaining its membership and regular attendance at meetings. Clarifying the Commission's purpose, narrowing its scope of work to the most systems impactful efforts and exploring alternative approaches to completing work can contribute to maintaining a diverse and more broadly representative membership by identifying and reducing barriers to participation.
Neighborhood/Community Inte...
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