Revisit Park Name Recommendations for the Properties known as "Kaiser Woods Park" and "Yelm Highway Community Park"
Recommended Action
Continue Committee discussion on park name recommendations.
Revisit the names recommended to City Council considering additional information.
Staff Contact:
Laura Keehan, Parks Planning & Design Manager, 360.570.5855
Laura Keehan, Parks Planning & Design Manager
Sarah Giannobile, Parks Planner
Background and Analysis:
On October 17, 2024, PRAC held a public hearing and had a discussion regarding recommending official names for the properties known as "Kaiser Woods Park" and "Yelm Highway Community Park". During the October meeting there were questions by PRAC members about the background of some of the people and names suggested. At PRAC's February meeting, PRAC requested to continue their discussion about park name recommendations at their March meeting.
The following background information and applicable code section were included in the October staff reports and are below for easy reference. Similarly, the attachments from October that list the suggested names for both properties are included as attachments.
"Kaiser Woods Park" Background
Kaiser Woods Park is a 70.19-acre park located in southwest Olympia. It is currently undeveloped but is slated to be Olympia's first park to have dedicated mountain biking trails.
In 2019, when the planning process kicked off for the Kaiser Woods Park Development, there was an effort to solicit names for the park. Fifty name suggestions were submitted during that time period (see attached report, 2019). Since that time, several delays have slowed the planning and development process and therefore the naming process.
After a multi-year planning process, the park development plan is in the permitting phase with the hope of breaking ground in 2025. The park development will include over 5 miles of hiking and biking trails with skills areas ...
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