Recommendation on 2014 Planning Commission Work Plan
Recommended Action
Following discussion including any changes to the proposed OPC work plan,
Move to recommend a 2014 OPC Work Plan to the City Council.
Discussion of work items and a recommended Planning Commission Work Plan for April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015
Staff Contact:
Amy Buckler, Associate Planner
360-570-5847, abuckler@ci.olympia.wa.us
Chair Brown
Amy Buckler
Background and Analysis:
Since the January 13, 2014 Meeting:
Two work items proposed at the last meeting were removed because they are expected to be complete prior to March 31, 2014. These are consideration of the following two development code updates for consistency with the Comp Plan: 1) Remove scenic view protection from all public streets, and 2) Amend the threshold for multi-family projects to mix housing types from 10 to 5 acres.
On January 11, 2014 the City Council approved a Work Plan for the Department of Community Planning & Development through 2016 (attached.) New items may arise based on adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Update later this year (i.e., site-based scenic views identification and code amendment; stricter tree canopy requirements.)
Although some discretionary items on the approved CPD Work Plan may change over time based on Council direction, the focus is on having a Department work plan that is tied to realistic and available resources. Accordingly, Council has provided that if they refer a new work item, another item may need to be delayed or removed, or more resources provided.
On December 30, 2013, Mayor Buxbaum sent a letter to the Planning Commission in response to the OPC recommendation on the 2014-2019 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP.) The letter is attached. Finance Subcommittee Chair Horn would like to discuss the letter with OPC during this work item. In addition, he has asked staff to set up a meeting within the next few weeks with the C...
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