Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Lease Agreement with Senior Services for South Sound for Space at The Olympia Center
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign the 2023-2025 Senior Services for South Sound Lease Agreement for space at The Olympia Center.
Whether to approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign the 2023-2025 Senior Services for South Sound Lease Agreement for space at The Olympia Center.
Staff Contact:
Scott River, Director of Recreation and Facilities, Parks Arts & Recreation, 360.753.8506
None - Consent Calendar Item.
Background and Analysis:
Senior Services for South Sound coordinates regional services for seniors in Thurston and Mason Counties and has leased space at The Olympia Center since the building opened in 1987. Their lease at The Olympia Center includes regional office space as well as programming and office space necessary for the local operations of the Olympia Senior Center.
This lease is generally consistent with agreements from previous years with the exception of moving to a three-year lease. The terms continue the removal of rent terms for regional office space for term of the lease. This portion of the rent elimination should now be considered the standard moving forward, pending a significant change in City funding abilities or priorities in future years.
Other lease terms:
* Length: Three years, calendar years 2023, 2024, 2025.
* Space: Office lobby, reception, kitchen, storage and workspace at The Olympia Center.
* Lease Payment: Only for hours above room type maximums to keep a balance of use between senior services, community rentals and parks and recreation programs.
* Utilities: City provides all utilities except telephones.
* Janitorial Service: Olympia provides janitorial and facility maintenance services, except that Senior...
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