Briefing and Public Hearing: Scenic Views from Public Streets
Recommended Action
Move to Amend the 'Scenic Vistas overlay zoning maps' to retain only those public rights-of-ways identified in the December 2013 Draft Comprehensive Plan, and amend OMC 18.110.060 to refer to the map as 'Scenic Vista Map.'
Narrow the requirement to preserve scenic views from public streets as currently shown on the 'Scenic Vista's overlay zoning maps' to those listed in the proposed Comprehensive Plan Update as examples, which include State Avenue, 4th Avenue, Harrison Avenue, Deschutes Parkway, West Bay Drive, East Bay Drive, the 4th Avenue Bridge, Olympia Avenue, Boulevard Road, Pacific Avenue, Martin Way, Brawne Street, Foote Street, and Capitol Way.
Staff Contact:
Stacey Ray, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8046
Stacey Ray, Associate Planner
Background and Analysis:
The proposed amendment would narrow the design requirement to preserve scenic views from public streets as currently shown on the 'Scenic Vista's overlay zoning maps' to those listed in the proposed Comprehensive Plan Update as examples, which include State Avenue, 4th Avenue, Harrison Avenue, Deschutes Parkway, West Bay Drive, East Bay Drive, the 4th Avenue Bridge, Olympia Avenue, Boulevard Road, Pacific Avenue, Martin Way, Brawne Street, Foote Street, and Capitol Way.
This would be an intermediate step until a future public engagement process identifies a series of specific observation points from which to preserve a series of landmark views. The map would then be amended a second time to remove corridors and add observation points.
Secondly, the amendment would change the name of the map from 'Scenic Vista overlay zoning maps' to 'Scenic Vista Map.' This would be reflected in the map title as well as in the Olympia Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 18.110.060:
Refer to the Scenic Vista overlay zoning maps Scenic Vi...
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