File #: 17-0799    Version:
Type: recommendation Status: Filed
File created: 7/25/2017 In control: General Government Committee
Agenda date: 10/6/2017 Final action: 10/6/2017
Title: Priority Strategies for Program Year 2018 CDBG Program and the upcoming Five-Year CDBG Strategic Plan
Attachments: 1. Options for CDBG Funding, 2. CDBG Program Annual Cycle
Related files: 17-0981, 17-1178, 18-0515, 18-0514, 18-0394, 18-0416, 18-0577, 18-0578, 18-0624, 18-0623
Priority Strategies for Program Year 2018 CDBG Program and the upcoming Five-Year CDBG Strategic Plan

Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee

City Manager Recommendation:
Identify and recommend priority strategies for Program Year 2018 (9/1/18 - 8/31/19) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and the CDBG Five-Year Strategic Plan (2018 - 2022).

Whether to identify the priority strategies for Program Year 2018 Community Development Block Grant Program (9/1/18 - 8/31/19) and the CDBG Five-Year Strategic Plan (2018 - 2022).

Staff Contact:
Anna Schlecht, Community Service Programs Manager, Community Planning and Development Department (360-753-8183).

Anna Schlecht, Community Service Programs Manager.

Background and Analysis:
This item was originally discussed at the August 23, 2017, General Government Committee meeting and continued for further discussion at a September meeting. Separate from this agenda item, the Committee will also discuss options for a potential second amendment to PY 2017 (September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2018).
The coming Program Year (PY) 2018 (September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019) will be the first year of the next Five-Year (2018 - 2022) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan, also referred to as the CDBG Five-Year Strategic Plan. Tonight's discussion offers an opportunity to begin the process to identify both multi-year strategies as well as to identify the first year's specific activities.
Starting Earlier - The Council has stated an interest in beginning the CDBG Program's annual public process much sooner to allow for a more deliberative approach to identifying priorities and ultimately choosing CDBG-eligible activities for the coming PY 2018. This will also facilitate the City's work with Thurston County to develop the joint Five-Year Consolidated Plan, an effort that is likely to require more time given the involvement of two ju...

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