Agenda Item:
Review List of Pending Work Plan Items and Referrals
General Government has three scheduled meetings for the rest of this year. With meetings starting at 5:30 p.m., you have about 1.25 hours of time per meeting. Which referred issues do you wish to schedule before the end of the year, and when?
Committee Recommendation:
To be developed.
City Manager's Recommendation:
Provide guidance.
Staff Contact:
Cathie Butler, Communications Manager, 360.753.8361
Cathie Butler
Background and Analysis:
General Government meeting dates for remainder of 2012:
- Tuesday, October 16, 5:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 20, 5:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, December 18, 5:30 p.m. (same date as last scheduled Council meeting of the year)
Pending and referred items:
· Walking tour with representatives of the Olympia Heritage Commission
· Recommendation on process and format for City Manager's annual performance review
· Parliamentary / Meeting Management training
· 2013 advisory committee recruitment and interview process / dates
· 2013 advisory committee work plan process and expectations
· 2013 Council interlocal assignment recommendations
· Meeting with non-profit agencies located in City buildings
· Meeting with downtown businesses and special events/festival organizers about the effect of community events on businesses
· Report back and discussion about serving alcohol at special events/festivals
· Review of administrative jail policies
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
None known.
Guidance is needed to schedule and prepare for upcoming meetings.
Financial Impact: