Olympia 2045: Updating the Goals and Policies for Capital Facilities - Public Hearing
Recommended Action
Move to recommend approval of the revised Capital Facilities Goals and Policies as part of the Olympia 2045 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Whether to conduct a public hearing and recommend the City Council approve the updated Capital Facilities Goals and Policies as part of the Olympia 2045 Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Contact:
Joyce Phillips, AICP, Principal Planner, Community Planning and Economic Development, 360.570.3722
Joyce Phillips, Principal Planner
Background and Analysis:
The Comprehensive Plan exists in two volumes. Volume 1 of the Plan includes the main chapters of the plan, including Land Use, Transportation, Utilities, Economy, and Parks Arts and Recreation among others. There is a half-page chapter titled "Capital Facilities Plan" that essentially directs the reader to Volume 2, which is the Capital Facilities Plan that is updated each year as part of the capital budgeting process.
Volume 2, or the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), includes information about proposed capital facilities projects, estimated costs, how they will be paid for, and when they are likely to occur. Some projects take multiple years of funding before they can be physically constructed. By statute, the CFP focuses on the first six years. The Introduction section of the CFP includes the goals and policies related to capital facilities. These goals and policies have not been updated since the plan went through its previous major update, which was adopted in December of 2014.
A small team of City staff worked to review and propose updates to the goals and policies. These proposed revisions were then shared with the city's staff team working on the Comprehensive Plan update. It was then shared with recognized neighborhoods, interested parties, adjacent jurisdictions and agencies, and the public. A 30 day comment period was provided, with a...
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