Oral Report - Downtown Project Update
Recommended Action
City Manager Recommendation:
N/A - Report Only
The committee will be briefed on the progress of Downtown Project IV programs.
Staff Contact:
Brian Wilson, Downtown Liaison, Community Planning & Development, 360.570.3798
Brian Wilson, Downtown Liaison, Community Planning & Development, 360.570.3798
Background and Analysis:
One of City Council's priorities is to "Champion Downtown" which includes the following goals:
· Increase commerce and private investment
· Create a safer, cleaner, and more welcoming downtown for all to enjoy
· Develop partnerships to expand desirable public spaces
· Play a greater role in developing the vision and enhancing the image of downtown
· Develop a community renewal plan
The Downtown Project is a multi-pronged approach toward accomplishing these goals. After three years of Downtown Project efforts, the city has seen many successes focused on safety, cleanliness, economic development, and placemaking.
The City is now beginning the fourth iteration of the Downtown Project. While staff will continue to focus on a limited number of on-going projects, the bulk of the focus will be planning for the future through the Downtown Strategic Planning process.
Staff will update the council committee on the progress of Downtown Project IV programs.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
The success of the Downtown Project will lead to a more safe, clean, and welcoming downtown for all.
N/A - Report only.
Financial Impact:
Varies depending on project.