Approval of a Resolution Expressing City Council Opposition to Washington State Ballot Initiative No. 2066 Concerning Regulating Energy Services, Including Natural Gas and Electrification
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Accept testimony from everyone who wishes to speak for or against the Initiative Measure No. 2066.
Motion if Council wishes to oppose the Initiative: Move to Adopt the Resolution Expressing City Council Opposition to Initiative Measure No. 2066 Concerning Regulating Energy Services, Including Natural Gas and Electrification.
No action is needed if Council does not wish to adopt the Resolution.
Whether to oppose Initiative No. 2066 to Washington's voters, which would repeal or prohibit certain laws and regulations that discourage natural gas use, and/or promote electrification, and require certain utilities and local governments to provide natural gas to eligible customers.
Staff Contact:
Pamela Braff, PhD, Director of Climate Programs, Office of Community Vitality, 360.753.8249
Pamela Braff, PhD, Director of Climate Programs
Background and Analysis:
The City Council requested this matter be placed on a City Council agenda so that the Council could conduct a public hearing and hear from citizens in support of or opposed to Initiative No. 2066.
In accord with RCW 42.17A.555, any action taken by the Council to support or oppose a ballot proposition must be done at a properly noticed open public meeting with an opportunity for anyone to comment for or against the ballot measure prior to City Council action.
Washington Decarbonization Act
In 2024, the Washington State Legislature adopted HB 1589, known as the "Washington Decarbonization Act". This law helps Puget Sound Energy (PSE) plan to decarbonize and taper its natural gas service, to comply with the state's climate and energy targets. The law does not ban natural gas in Washing...
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