Finalize the Utility Advisory Committee Work Plan
Recommended Action
Review and finalize the 2025-2026 UAC Work Plan and forward to the Community Livability and Public Safety Committee.
Whether to approve the final UAC work plan (attached) for the period covering April 2025 - March 2026.
Staff Contact:
Jesse Barham, Public Works Water Resources Director, 360.753.8164
Jesse Barham
Background and Analysis:
During the February 6th UAC meeting, staff reviewed with the UAC the draft work plan items and discussed other items that interest the UAC. Staff is proposing eight meetings between April 2025 and March 2026 in the same schedule as the last work plan year, first Thursday for 8 meetings and 2nd Thursday in April.
Utility staff and UAC members develop the draft UAC work plan collaboratively. The work plan includes items that go before the UAC every year including, utility rates, budget, the Capital Facilities Plan, regulatory updates as well as other planning, policy and finance related topics.
In developing the work plans, committees are to consider:
* City Council established or adopted goals and priorities, including the City's Comprehensive Plan, annual Council goals, utility management plans and budgets.
* Resource availability - budget, staff support and committee member time.
* Departmental work priorities.
* During its review, the City Council may change or modify the committee's proposed work plan so that it reflects Council priorities, available resources and emerging issues.
* The work plan serves as the basis for a committee's focus and effort during the following year, although the Council may, from time-to-time, refer additional items to the committee during the year.
Next Steps:
The UAC is expected to review and finalize the 2025-2026 work plan and recommend approval. Staff will then forward it to the Community Livability and Public Safety Council Committee, with Council adoption on April 8, 2025.
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