Review and approval of CAAB Work Plan and regular meeting schedule for 2025
Recommended Action
Discuss long-term program planning and the role of the CAAB as represented in the draft 2025 Work Plan. Move to approve the 2025 Work Plan and Regular Meeting Calendar.
Report Issue:
Whether to approve the 2025 Work Plan and Regular Meeting Calendar.
Staff Contact:
Marygrace Goddu, Inspire Olympia Program Manager, Office Community Vitality, 360.480.0923
Ms. Goddu
Background and Analysis:
Commissions and Boards advisory to City Council are asked to submit an annual work plan to the Community Livability and Public Safety Committee each spring. Because the Inspire Olympia funding cycle runs on a July to June calendar while the City runs on a January to December cycle, the CAAB will develop its workplan earlier than most advisory boards. It is suggested that future updates will be under discussion in the fall and approved in January.
The Board has discussed meeting quarterly rather than monthly. Board members will participate as review panelists in March and April, which requires a significant time investment to review and score applications individually, plus multiple meetings to review and score as a panel. Panels are structured so that a quorum of Board members is not present on any panel and meetings will not be considered regular Board meetings. The considerable time commitment for Review Panel work and the concentration of Board effort between May and September each year prompted a shift to quarterly Board meetings. This schedule is integrated into the Work Plan, and specific dates are offered for 2025.
Climate Analysis:
There is no climate impact in these discussions or actions.
Equity Analysis:
Equity and Access are integral to the mission of Inspire Olympia and a considered element of the 2025 Work Plan, especially through continuous improvement analysis that is planned to review program effectiveness in these areas and recomme...
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