Review New PRAC Member Applications
Recommended Action
Move to forward four candidates to Council's Community Livability and Public Safety (CLPS) Committee for interviews.
Determine which applicants to forward to CLPS Committee for interviews.
Staff Contact:
Laura Keehan, Planning & Design Manager, Parks, Arts and Recreation, 360.570.5855
Background and Analysis:
The City Council would like City Advisory Committees to help identify candidates to interview for vacant Committee and Commission positions. Council's Community Livability and Safety Committee (CLPS) has asked that current PRAC members screen all applications and identify four applicants to be interviewed for the two vacant positions. Eleven applications were received.
Please review all eleven applications prior to the meeting, paying particular attention to the Interests & Experience section.
1) Come prepared to share what you feel are the most important criteria for a new PRAC member at this time.
2) Rank the candidates in order of those who best meet your criteria.
The Committee will vote on forwarding four candidates for interviews.
Council's CLPS Committee will hold interviews in March and choose two of the candidates for appointment. The new PRAC members will begin their terms in April.
Climate Analysis:
Selection of new PRAC members is not expected to have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
Equity Analysis:
Council has directed that applications be redacted to remove personal identifying information that could inadvertently lead to bias.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
PRAC was established in 1983 to make recommendations to the City Council regarding parks and recreation plans, policies, programs and projects and to serve as liaison between residents and the Council and staff on parks and recreation related matters.
1. Move to forward four candidates to the CLPS interview process.
2. Do not move to forward four candidates to CL...
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