Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2014 - Options for Economic Development Activities
Recommended Action
City Manager Recommendation:
Discuss and provide guidance on recommendations for inclusion in the draft PY2014 (September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015) CDBG Action Plan
What economic development activities should be included in the PY2014 CDBG Action Plan?
Staff Contact:
Leonard Bauer, Deputy Director Community Planning and Development Department, 360.753.8206
Leonard Bauer, Deputy Director, Community Planning and Development Department
Anna Schlecht, Housing Program Manager, Community Planning and Development Department
Background and Analysis:
Council Referral to General Government Committee:
On October 1, the City Council provided the following guidance to General Government Committee regarding PY2014 CDBG process and recommendations:
"Consider information and discussions by the Community Renewal Area (CRA) Ad Hoc Committee and other Council committees, such as the Land Use and Environment Committee's downtown project and master plan discussions. The CRA will forward a written summary of discussions related to CDBG and relationship to CRA and other potential funding sources. The General Government Committee may wish to receive a formal presentation from the CRA on economic development priorities."
The CRA Ad Hoc Committee considered this topic at its November 13, 2013, meeting,
At a November 26, 2013 Special Council Meeting, General Government Committee received a presentation from the CRA Ad Hoc Committee and the full Council discussed their recommendations for economic development priorities that relate to potential future use of CDBG funds. The CRA Ad Hoc Committee recommended the following issues for consideration:
1. Examine the full range of CDBG-eligible economic development projects and programs
2. Creation of a CDBG revolving lo...
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