Approval of Police Lieutenant Promotional Register
Recommended Action
Staff Recommendation:
Move to approve the certification of the Police Lieutenant Register effective February 18, 2025.
Staff Contact:
Sam Costello, Deputy Police Chief, Olympia Police Department, 360.753.8146
Nicole Camus, Deputy, 360.753.8213
The police department has requested a Police Lieutenant register. The department is filling one vacancy.
The testing process included an multiple part oral examination and a written assignment. The assessors evaluated oral & written communication, interpersonal insight & emotional intelligence, command judgement, decisiveness, and planning & organization. The minimum passing score for all exercises was set at 70%.
The interview and oral resume panel consisted of WSP Captain Jon Matagi, Tumwater PD Commander Jay Mason, and Elizabeth Drake, Executive Director of the Dispute Resolution Center.
Both candidates have passed the written and oral examination and have been placed on the register in accordance with their scores. Final ranking scores range from 73.44% - 80.56%.
Policy Reference:
□ RCW 41.12.040(9), Organization of Commission-Secretary-Powers and Duties of Commission
□ Civil Service Rules, Rule IV, Examinations
□ Civil Service Rules, Rule V, Registers