Approval of Leadership Appointments to the Olympia Youth Council
Recommended Action
Move to recommend the following leadership appointments to the Olympia Youth Council:
Nolan O'Connell, Chair
Allison Walker, Chair Pro Tem
Sophia Park, Secretary
Eric Zhang, Treasurer
Willow Chen, Vice Chair, Communications Subcommittee
Shruthi Lingham-Nattamai, Vice Chair- Policy Subcommittee
Gavin Cruz, Vice Chair - Outreach Subcommittee
Whether to recommend the following leadership appointments to the Olympia Youth Council:
Nolan O'Connell, Chair
Allison Walker, Chair Pro Tem
Sophia Park, Secretary
Eric Zhang, Treasurer
Willow Chen, Vice Chair, Communications Subcommittee
Shruthi Lingham-Nattamai, Vice Chair- Policy Subcommittee
Gavin Cruz, Vice Chair - Outreach Subcommittee
Staff Contact:
Susan Grisham, Assistant to the City Manager, Youth Council Liaison, 360.753.8244
Nolan O'Connell, Youth Councilmember
Background and Analysis:
Last year, before the formal appointment of the Youth Council, Youth Advisors discussed leadership positions and appointments. This item is intended to formalize the leadership appointments.
Climate Analysis:
This action does not effect climate outcomes.
Equity Analysis:
Based on data from the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's "Report Card", minority enrollment in Olympia's schools is at 40% and approximately 20% of students are economically disadvantaged. (This data does not include students who are not in traditional schools, like home school or G.E.D programs.) One of the main goals of a Youth Council is to engage and lift up voices and perspectives of people who are often excluded from decision making and lack access to power.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
Youth in our community have expressed an interest in participating in decision making that effects their future.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact related to this position.
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