Case: Lansdale Pointe Apartments, 911 Burr Rd SE, 22-5941, 23-5076
BRCA Design, 2106 Pacific Ave Suite 300, Tacoma WA 98402
Bill Bowdish, Ross Deckman & Associates, 207 4th Ave SE, Puyallup WA 98372
Meghan Howey, BCRA Design, 2106 Pacific Ave Suite 300, Tacoma WA 98402
Staff Contact:
Casey Mauck, Assistant Planner, 360.753.8048
Site Address:
911 Burr Rd SE Lot
Project Description:
Construction of a multifamily residential housing project proposing 162 housing units across 7 parcels. Buildings are proposed to be no more than three stories. The project includes construction of paved parking and drive aisles, pedestrian walkways, open space play areas, soil and vegetation management areas and landscaping.
See Attachment 1 for complete Staff Report