File #: 25-0222    Version: 1
Type: resolution Status: Passed
File created: 3/6/2025 In control: City Council
Agenda date: 3/18/2025 Final action: 3/18/2025
Title: Approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Thurston County for a Heritage Grant to Fund a Historic Preservation Data Management Project
Attachments: 1. 03-18-25 signed resolution M-2597, 2. Resolution, 3. Agreement, 4. Contract Amendment Letter, 5. Agreement Modification
Approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Thurston County for a Heritage Grant to Fund a Historic Preservation Data Management Project

Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.

City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve a Resolution authorizing an agreement with Thurston County for a Heritage Grant to fund a historic preservation data management project.

Whether to approve a Resolution authorizing an agreement with Thurston County for a Heritage Grant to fund a historic preservation data management project.

Staff Contact:
Brittany Gillia, Historic Preservation Officer, Community Planning & Economic Development Department, 360.753.8427

None - Consent Calendar Item.

Background and Analysis:
In January 2024, Thurston County awarded the City a grant of $7,500.00 to fund a historic preservation intern, with an in-kind matching amount of City staff time valued at $7,500.00. Due to various factors, the grant was unable to be executed in 2024.

Staff requested an agreement modification from Thurston County to extend the scope of work to include six (6) additional months to execute the grant, and to modify the scope to include funding additional hours to existing part-time staff for dedicated hours toward the data management project.

This Resolution grants the City Manager the authority to execute the modified Thurston County Heritage Grant agreement and will result in the digitization and management of physical records for the Olympia Heritage Register. The data will then be organized and displayed in a user-friendly interface for the public to access.

Climate Analysis:
Transitioning the City's Historic Preservation files to a digital file storage system will encourage the reduction of paper use, decrease the need for storage and physical transportation of the files and reduce vehicular trips by the public who would otherwise travel to City Hall to view the files.

Equity An...

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