Priority Based Budgeting Update
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive an update on the development of a Priority Based Budget.
Whether to receive an update on the development of a Priority Based Budget.
Staff Contact:
Debbie Sullivan, Assistant City Manager, (360) 753-8499
Debbie Sullivan, Assistant City Manager
Background and Analysis:
As part of the ongoing commitment to enhancing fiscal responsibility, resilience, and ensure our resources are aligned with the priorities of our community, the City is implementing a Priority Based Budgeting (PBB) process. It is a strategic approach to budgeting that aligns resources and funding with community priorities and outcomes.
The PBB approach will improve financial transparency and transforms our current budget into one that is organized by programs and services, rather than individual departments. This approach builds upon the traditional line-item budget by developing data sets to allow decision makers to see what programs are being offered; how much it costs to deliver those programs; and why those programs are being offered. This will also make it easier to communicate with the community what we do, why we do it, and how much it costs.
The City contracted with Tyler Technologies to support our implementation of PBB and to help implement industry best practices. The City Council was introduced to PBB at their January retreat and the Finance Committee is taking the lead in guiding the work. The project formally kicked off in February and is scheduled to be completed in time to share the results at the City Council's mid-year retreat in June. This agenda item is to provide the Committee with a project update.
Climate Analysis:
The Priority Based Budget will be developed using scoring criteria that incorporates the City's Climate framework.
Equity Analysis:
The Priority Based Budget will be develop...
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