Referral from City Council
Recommended Action
Move to recommend, not recommend or recommend with proposal refinement, funding for the Olympia Downtown Association (ODA) Alley Enhancement project.
At the May 27 meeting of City Council, one of 6 grants proposed for the 2014 Neighborhood Matching Grant cycle was deferred for review by the Arts Commission before approval.
Michelle Sadlier, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development and/or
Todd Stamm, Associate Line of Business Director, Community Planning and Development
Erica Cooper, Design Committee Chair for the Olympia Downtown Association has been invited to attend.
Background and Analysis:
The proposed project is a sculpture intended to be installed on private property, as described in the attached proposal form. The Grant Application, and a photo of the site are also attached. In addition, the Council Meeting where the referral was discussed can be seen at <http://olympia.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1160> (scroll down to 6B and click to go directly to discussion).
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
1. Recommend Council approve the funding for the Olympia Downtown Association Alley Enhancement project.
2. Recommend Council not approve the funding for the Olympia Downtown Association Alley Enhancement project.
3. Recommend Council approve the funding for the Olympia Downtown Association Alley Enhancement project with proposal refinement recommended by the Commission.
Financial Impact:
Request from the Neighborhood Matching Grant program is $4,000 (with a $5,500 match from the ODA).