Downtown Public Restroom Update
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive the update on a permanent restroom at the Artesian Commons Park and provide guidance regarding additional steps moving forward.
Receive an update on the Artesian Commons restroom project.
Staff Contact:
Mark Rentfrow, Downtown Liaison, CP&D, 360.570.3798
Mark Rentfrow, Downtown Liaison, Community Planning and Development, 360.570.3798
Fran Eide, City Engineer, Public Works, 360.753.8422
Background and Analysis:
Because of problems with vandalism, graffiti, and other illegal acts, most private businesses in the Downtown do not allow public use of their restrooms. In addition, public entities including the Port of Olympia, the State of Washington, LOTT and the City have curtailed public use of restrooms in the evenings and weekends. Lack of available public restrooms in downtown Olympia adds to public health and sanitation issues in the area.
The City Council and its Committees have discussed these issues numerous times over the past three years. Previous requests for assistance from the State through Department of Enterprise Services (DES) and from the Thurston County Board of Public Health have been denied.
* In March 2016 the City Council approved the use of 2015 year-end budget funds to address these problems and authorized a pilot program. The pilot included the early morning clean team, expansion of access for the temporary restroom at the Artesian Commons, and further exploration of additional temporary restrooms.
* In June 2016 Council received an update on the early morning clean team provided by Capital Recovery Center. The Council also supported the installation of a second temporary restroom on city-owned property near the downtown Intercity Transit Center.
* In August 2016 the Finance Committee considered funding for a permanent restroom at Artesian Commons...
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