Special Recognition - Memorandum of Understanding with Coalition of Neighborhood Associations
Recommended Action
City Manager Recommendation:
Informational only
The City of Olympia has partnered with the Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (CNA) since 2012 on numerous activities affecting neighborhoods. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has guided these efforts. Tonight the City Council will consider renewing the MOU for an additional three years.
Staff Contact:
Leonard Bauer, Deputy Director, Community Planning and Development
Mayor Stephen Buxbaum
Phil Shulte, CNA Steering Committee President
Background and Analysis:
The City Council met with the CNA leadership at a special work session on March 31, 2015, to discuss accomplishments under the existing MOU between the City and the CNA. City Council directed staff to continue discussions and bring a draft MOU back to the Council for review and approval. City Council comments also provided suggestions to the CNA for several initiatives they are working to include in their work program.
This special recognition item is to acknowledge the accomplishments of the partnership between the City and the CNA, and the plans for the renewed MOU.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
The CNA was formed specifically to address issues of interest to neighborhoods and community-wide.
Financial Impact: