Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Declaring a Continuing State of Public Health Emergency Related to Homelessness - First and Final Reading
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Conduct a public hearing and move to approve, on first and final reading, an ordinance declaring a continuing state of public health emergency relating to human health and environmental conditions caused by increasing houselessness.
Whether a public hearing and move to approve, on first and final reading, an ordinance declaring a continuing state of public health emergency relating to human health and environmental conditions caused by increasing houselessness.
Staff Contact:
Darian Lightfoot, Director of Housing and Homeless Response, 360.280.8951
Tim Smith, Interim Director of Community Planning and Development, 360. 570.3915
Tim Smith, Interim Director of Community Planning and Development, 360. 570.3915
Background and Analysis:
Houselessness is an issue of urgent public concern facing Olympia and the region. On June 14, 2018, the Thurston County Board of Health declared houselessness a public health crisis in Thurston County.
The City Council passed and adopted Ordinance No. 7146 on July 17, 2018, declaring a public health emergency related to houselessness (the Ordinance). The Ordinance requires review of the conditions that gave rise to the public health emergency by the City Council every six months to determine if those conditions continue to warrant keeping the Ordinance measures in place. The Council previously extended the Ordinance until the sunset date of December 19, 2024.
After considering public testimony and reviewing the conditions that gave rise to this public health emergency, the City Council found that the conditions still existed and passed and adopted ordinances declaring a continuing state of public health emergency relating to houselessness as f...
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