Amend Title 4.44 and 4.50 of the Olympia Municipal Code relating to Uniform Civil Enforcement to have Higher Civil Infraction Penalties for Repeat Code Violators
Shall the Council authorize additional compliance tools for staff to use in those cases involving a property owner, tenant, hired contractor or property manager who has repeatedly not been in compliance with various sections of the Olympia Municipal Code.
Staff Contact:
Tom Hill, Department of Community Planning and Development, Building Official, 360.753.8486
Tom Hill, Building Official, Permit and Inspection Services Manager
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager's Recommendation:
Move to approve the proposed amendment to the Uniform Civil Enforcement Ordinance on first reading and send the ordinance to second reading.
Background and Analysis:
The Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (CNA) and staff have discussed options for dealing with repeated code violations at the same property.
Currently, City ordinance imposes a maximum fine of $250 for the third or more same violation. The recommended change creates a "repeat offender" category so that ANY three or more code violations of OMC Titles 4, 8, 13, 16, 17 or 18 in a 24-month period will be subject to the $250 fine.
Those OMC Titles address:
- Title 4: Fees and Fines
- Title 8: Health and Safety
- Title 13: Public Services
- Title 16: Buildings and Construction
- Title 17: Subdivisions
- Title 18: Unified Development Code
Both staff and the CNA hope the "repeat offender" penalty will provide code enforcement officers with additional leverage to bring more properties into quicker compliance.
Neighborhood/Community/Business Interests:
Prompt resolution of code enforcement issues. Reduction in repeat offenses with the same property.
Staff recommends:
1. Approve the ordinance on first reading and forward to second reading.
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