Overview of Ranked Choice Voting Process for the Purpose of Appointing a Councilmember to Fill the Unexpired Term of Position #5
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive an overview of the process of Ranked Choice voting for the purpose of appointing a Councilmember to fill the City Council Position #5 vacancy.
Whether to receive an overview of the process of Ranked Choice voting for the purpose of appointing a Councilmember to fill the City Council Position #5 vacancy.
Staff Contact:
Kellie Purce Braseth, Strategic Communications Director, City Manager's Office, 360.753.8361
Jack Mongin, Election Technician, Thurston County Auditor's Office
Background and Analysis:
When planning to fill the Council Position #5 vacancy, the Council-appointed subcommittee formed to guide the appointment process recommended the use of Ranked Choice voting to assist with the process of appointing a new Councilmember. Council approved using the approach at its January 7, 2025, meeting.
In Ranked-Choice voting, the voter ranks the candidates in the order preferred to them: First choice, Second choice, Third choice, and so on. If the voters top pick cannot win, their vote counts for their next choice.
How are the ballots counted?
* If a candidate receives a majority (more than half) of the first-choice votes, that candidate wins, just like any other election.
* If there is no majority winner after counting first choices, then the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. Any voter who picked the eliminated candidate as their "number one" will have their vote count for their next choice.
* The process continues until one candidate receives a majority of votes in the final round.
At the conclusion of the interviews of seven Council candidates, the Rank Choice Voting process will be administered by Election Technician Jack Mongin from the Thurston County Auditor's Of...
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