Options for Downtown Public Restrooms
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
General Government Committee forwarded refined options on downtown public restrooms for full Council discussion and consideration.
City Manager Recommendation:
Review information on public restrooms and managing human waste in downtown Olympia and provide guidance on next steps.
What are the best options for public restrooms and managing human waste in the urban core to keep downtown safe and welcoming for all?
Staff Contact:
Anna Schlecht, Housing Program Manager, Community Planning & Development,
Paul Simmons, Director, Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation 360.753.8462
Anna Schlecht, Housing Program Manager
Background and Analysis:
The City has been working for several years with community partners to explore options for public restrooms. More recently, the Council has expanded that approach to include the consideration of options for addressing human waste left in downtown alleys, alcoves and doorways.
General Government Committee addressed this issue on January 29th (Att #1 Staff Report - Options for Public Restrooms 1/29/16). The Committee reported to the Council on February 2nd. During the report, Council members expressed interest in more permanent restroom options that are available to all users and that would contribute to making downtown Olympia safer and more welcoming for all.
At their February 24th meeting (Att #2 Options for Public Restrooms 2/24/16), the General Government Committee reviewed the options presented by staff. The Committee eliminated the option for expanded hours for existing public restrooms and narrowed their focus to the following recommendations. Their guiding principle was to identify four phases of action: immediate, short term, mid-term and long-term:
1) IMMEDIATE: Human Waste Pick-up - $68,100* for remainder of 2016: It is presumed that even with ...
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