Approval of Amending Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding - Program Year (PY) 2016
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation
At its Feb. 3 meeting, the General Government Committee is anticipated to recommend approval of amending the Program Year 2016 CDBG Annual Action Plan and directing staff to commence the 30-day public comment period.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve amending the PY 2016 CDBG Annual Action Plan and direct staff to commence the 30-day public comment period.
Whether to amend its PY2016 CDBG Action Plan to include an additional $315,000 from unexpended CDBG funds for new activities, in order to spend down CDBG funds in a timely manner?
Staff Contact:
Anna Schlecht, Community Service Programs Manager, Community Planning & Development Department, 360.753.8183
Leonard Bauer, Community Development Department Deputy Director
Anna Schlecht, Community Service Programs Manager
Background and Analysis:
Overview: Council needs to act quickly to amend the current Program Year (PY) 2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, in order to remain compliant with federal regulations. HUD has advised the City to either expend or re-allocate unexpended funds by March 21, 2017. The City must complete this amendment process and reallocate funds in the amount of $315,000.
Due to scheduling delays, the recommendations from the February 3, 2017 General Government Committee will be presented orally at tonight's Council meeting.
Source of CDBG Funds: The City has approximately $210,000 from past CDBG program years that has not been expended as quickly as anticipated. Of this amount, $149,000 comes from a PY 2014 activity - the NDC's Technical Assistance contract to support the Grow Olympia Fund (GOF). This funding has not been expended because it only becomes eligible when a GOF loan is fully executed. An additional $60,100 comes from unexpended prior year program income. In addi...
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