Approval of Recommended Updates to the City Council Guidebook
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
The Committee of the Chairs recommends approval of updates to the City Council Guidebook.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve recommended updates to the City Council Guidebook.
Whether to approve recommended updates to the City Council Guidebook.
Staff Contact:
Susan Grisham, Assistant to the City Manager, 360.753.8244
None. Consent Calendar Item.
Background and Analysis:
The City Council Guidebook's primary purpose is to serve as a reference guide for Councilmembers. It also contains useful information on common practices and policies as it relates to the City of Olympia.
On October 23, 2023, the City Council approved the City Council Guidebook. Over the past year, Council has updated plans, policies, and roles and responsibilities which need to be reflected in the Council Guidebook.
On October 30, 2024, the Committee of the Chairs met and reviewed suggested changes to the Guidebook. The proposed changes are outlined in the attached tracked changes version of the Guidebook and the summary document. This includes updates to Interjurisdictional assignments, the Independent Salary Commission, the process for updating the guidebook, the role of the Civilian Police Auditor, process for filling Council vacancies, special recognitions and proclamations, and recommendations on how to manage conflict.
There is an additional change to the Guidebook that was brought forward by the Legal Department after the Committee of the Chairs met. They suggested edits to the public comment section of the Guidebook based on review of caselaw related to First Amendment protections to ensure the guidance is grounded in current law. These changes also included in the attached tracked changes version of the Guidebook as well as the summary document.
Upon approval by the City Council, the Guidebook will be placed on the Ci...
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