Approval of Ordinance Amending OMC 16.05.050 Regarding Building Heights
Recommended Action:
Approve the proposed building height amendment for certain buildings types in downtown Olympia.
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve on second reading the proposed building height amendment for certain buildings types in downtown Olympia.
Whether to amend the Municipal Code provisions related to mixed-use building height limitations to correct inconsistencies with other provisions of the Municipal Code and International Building Code.
Staff Contacts:
Todd Cunningham, Building Official, Community Planning & Development 360.753.8486
Robert Bradley, Assistant Fire Chief, Fire Department 360.753.8458
Steven Friddle, Principal Planner, Community Planning & Development 360.753.8591
Presenters: None. Consent Calendar item.
Background and Analysis:
There were no changes to the background and analysis from first reading to second reading.
During a recent project review for a mixed-use construction building, inconsistencies were identified between our adopted Olympia Municipal Code (OMC) provisions related to building heights for mixed-use apartment buildings and the International Building Code (IBC) related to building height for mixed-use construction buildings of Type V-A Wood-frame over Type I-A Concrete.
The IBC limits buildings heights depending upon different building means and methods. Generally speaking, the more protective the safety requirements, the higher the building can go. Both the IBC and the OMC also allow for alternate means and methods to construct buildings provide that safety is equal or surpassed.
The alternate means and method chapter of the OMC includes a specific height limit of 70 feet for mixed-use structures which is inconsistent with other provisions for allowable heights in OMC 18.06.080, table 6.02 which provides for build...
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